
We provide a proctored test environment for students registered with the 学生访问中心 who require test accommodations such as extended time, 安静的测试环境, 还有电脑接入, 不能被他们的老师安排,也不能在教室里监督. Providing students with the proper test accommodations and assuring test security are essential concerns for the 学生访问中心.

The Biddeford Test Center is located in the 学生访问中心 building and can be reached at (207) 602-2119 or

The Portland Test Center is located on the second floor of Linnell Hall and can be reached at (207) 221-4302 or

考试只能通过预约在学生访问中心进行. 这两个中心周一至周五上午8点开放.m. 到下午4:30.m.,大学假期除外. SAC的专业工作人员负责监督考试和监考服务.



作为一名学生申请考试便利, 你需要在学生访问中心注册. You need to meet early in each semester with every instructor with whom you will be requesting test accommodations. This meeting provides an opportunity to discuss your registration with the 学生访问中心 and your approved test accommodations. 指导老师有权在所有考试过程中监督你. This discussion should include whether or not the instructor can provide the approved test accommodations under their supervision. 当教师可以提供批准的测试住宿, 你应该在指导老师的监督下参加考试. All contingencies, such as regular, midterm, and final exams 和测验 should be discussed.


When the instructor is unable to supervise you during test taking with the approved test accommodations, 您将需要访问通过学生访问中心提供的服务. You must provide the 学生访问中心 a copy of your exam schedule early in each semester.


作为学生, 在学生访问中心安排所有考试是你的责任. 您可以通过亲自到我们的办公室,打电话或通过电子邮件来安排测试. Every attempt will be made to schedule the test on the same day and time as scheduled in the classroom. This may not always be possible due to the volume of 测试 and various scheduling conflicts.

安排在学生访问中心参加的考试, 需要提前5个工作日与考试中心联系. 在学生入学考试中心安排期末考试, 您必须提前至少10个工作日与考试中心联系.

It is your responsibility as student to notify the 学生访问中心 within three business days of any date or time changes of your scheduled exam. 如果您不符合这些指导方针, 你有责任和你的老师一起安排个别的考试.


如果你在预定的考试中迟到超过二十分钟, 我们可能无法组织考试. You will need to speak with your professor about rescheduling the exam (in accordance with the 学生访问中心 deadlines). 当你开始考试迟到时(最多20分钟), 迟到的时间将从考试时间中扣除. 你仍然需要在原定的完成时间内完成考试.

然后才能参加预定的考试, 你必须出示你的身份证, 或者其他合法的带照片的身份证, 给学生访问中心的工作人员.

You will be held to UNE's Student Code of Conduct in all dealings with the 学生访问中心. 如果你在考试中作弊或涉嫌作弊被我们的工作人员发现, full information regarding the incident will be turned over to your professor for discretionary action.

没有监考人员的允许和签到,你不能离开考场. 回来后,你要通知监考老师并重新签到.

在使用测试服务之前, 你需要签署一份测试住宿协议合同.

我们的监考人员会注意到你对测试说明的要求. 欢迎您通过电话与您的教授联系以寻求澄清或解释. 如果教授不在的话, you may attach a written note to be included with your test explaining the area in which you believe you needed further explanation.


Student registration with the 学生访问中心 is based on the presence of a documented disability, which has a significant impact on their ability to equally access the University’s educational environment or services. 住宿的目的是提供平等的机会. 合理的住宿并不能保证成功,也不能要求优待. Test accommodations are frequently utilized to provide equal access when evaluating a student's knowledge in a course. Test accommodations frequently granted in the post-secondary environment include extra time (time and a half or double time), 减少干扰的测试环境, 使用计算器, 和/或电脑访问,以利用辅助技术. Extended time may not be considered a reasonable accommodation if time is an essential element of the skill being evaluated. The 使用计算器 may not be considered a reasonable accommodation if computation is the essential element being evaluated.

课程老师显然是监督学生考试的最佳人选, 因为只有他们才能解释和澄清学生可能遇到的任何问题. 教师总是有权监督学生的考试情况, 并且有必要为学生提供住宿. 学生 are advised to meet early in the semester with their instructors in order to discuss their test accommodations and to work out mutually satisfactory provisions for the taking of exams, 测试, 和测验.

当一个教练, 由于时间限制或住宿的性质, 不能为学生提供住宿, the 学生访问中心 offers students and their instructors the option of having exams administered in the 学生访问中心. Should the faculty/department choose to utilize the 学生访问中心 to administer exams, 应履行以下职责:

  • Each department should identify one staff/faculty member to coordinate and liaison with the 学生访问中心 staff/proctor in order to facilitate exam services for students with disabilities.
  • The departmental liaison is responsible for obtaining the exam from the faculty/instructor and ensuring the delivery of the exam to the 学生访问中心 within two business days of the exam.
  • The department may be responsible for proctoring exams that are scheduled with less than three business days notice (this includes notice of any exam schedule changes).
  • 与教师共享学生访问中心注册.
  • Discuss all contingencies, including regular, midterm and final exams, 和测验 with faculty.
  • 在每学期开始时与学生访问中心共享考试时间表.
  • Notify the 学生访问中心 of any exam schedule changes within three business days of the exam.
  • 确保测试的完整性和安全性.
  • 当教师不能这样做时,提供考试住宿.
  • 学生访问中心的工作人员将把完成的考卷交还给部门联络员.

The instructor should inform the 学生访问中心 in regard to materials students are permitted to use while testing such as textbooks, 笔记, 或者计算器.

监考员不会回答学生对考试的要求. The student is welcome to contact the instructor by phone to seek clarification or interpretation. 如果教练不在, 学生可以附上一份书面说明,这将包括在他们的测试.

When the proctor observes or suspects a student of an academic honor code violation while utilizing our testing services, 监考员将完成一个 测试事故报告(PDF),这将包含在返回的安全信封中. 进一步的行动由教练自行决定.

Every attempt will be made to schedule the test on the same day and time as scheduled in the classroom. This may not always be possible due to the volume of exams and various scheduling conflicts. 

更多信息,请访问 教师指导.