
正规澳门赌场网络正处于我们发展的关键时刻. We have made significant progress on multiple strategic initiatives since we launched our strategic plan in 2018. This progress has been especially noteworthy given the stiff headwinds facing higher education in general and New England in particular. These forces will only grow in the coming years, but we are more than up for the challenge. We are ambitious and restless — an institution that is deeply connected to our 社区 and to the larger world. 看看周围, 你会发现正规澳门赌场网络的学生, 教师, 以及摩洛哥和冰岛等地的专业人员, 在全国各个城市的诊所和现场, 城镇, 森林, 和海洋. You will see us learning from experiences in 社区 representing every form of human difference. 这些文化, 个人, and geographic connections reflect the profound respect and concern that our community holds for the health of our world — its people, 它的社区, 以及它的物理环境. 我们将这种关注与非凡的灵活性结合起来, 灵活性, 创造力, 以及让新能源大学成为更健康地球的强大创新源泉的紧迫感. 正是在这一背景下,我们规划了今后五年的优先事项.

The centerpiece of our strategic plan remains an expansive perspective on “health” with our overarching goal to establish UNE among the premier providers of education, 专业知识, 创新是为了维持世界人民的健康, 社区, 自然环境.

我们正在前进的路上! Even this short accounting of some of our achievements demonstrates the force that UNE has become:

  • 我们为学生的教育投资提供了丰厚的回报. Ninety-five percent of UNE undergraduates start a job or enter a graduate program within one year of receiving their diploma. The Brookings Institute consistently ranks us first among all Maine colleges and universities for our ability to increase students’ career earnings.
  • 我们培养学生成为日益全球化的劳动力中文化流利的成员. 正规澳门赌场网络本科生出国留学的人数是全国平均水平的四倍多, 在正规澳门赌场网络丹吉尔校区度过了几个学期, 摩洛哥, 以及在西班牙的附属校区, 法国, 和冰岛.
  • 我们是缅因州领先的医疗保健专业人员供应商. 提供我们州唯一的医学院和新英格兰北部唯一的牙科学校, 还有药剂学的课程, 护理, 以及一系列其他健康专业, UNE plays a leading role in meeting the health care needs of underserved 社区 throughout the Northeast and beyond.
  • 我们是跨专业医疗保健教育(IPE)的全国领导者。. 研究 clearly demonstrates improved health outcomes when patients are cared for by teams of health care professionals — doctors, 护士, 医师助理, 物理治疗师, 社会工作者, 和其他人并肩工作. UNE prepares aspiring health professionals for such collaborations by having them learn and work beside other students representing the full range of health professions.
  • 我们从事重要的研究和学术研究. 正规澳门赌场网络研究人员的工作改善了乳腺癌的检测, 从而更好地了解了寨卡病毒的传播方式, 展示了非人性化的言论如何导致暴力和歧视, 揭示了精神药物是如何导致儿童糖尿病和骨折的, 甚至揭开了鲨鱼的秘密生活. 在过去十年中,我们的外部资金增长了800%,这证明了我们的成功. 重要的是,正规澳门赌场网络的学生直接为突破性的研究和奖学金做出了贡献. Forty-one percent of our undergraduates work with 教师 on research projects (compared to a national average of 23%), engaging in scholarship that ranges from understanding the neurobiology of pain to evaluating the impact of climate change on Maine’s coastal environment to understanding how children learn to read.
  • We graduate students who possess real-world experience, making them “job ready” on day one. 几乎所有正规澳门赌场网络的学生都参与某种形式的实践体验式学习, gaining invaluable disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge and skills through internships, 临床旋转, 服务学习, and countless other opportunities to apply classroom knowledge in community organizations, 企业, 政府办公室, 还有很多其他的工作环境.
  • 我们致力于培育一个充满活力的思想市场. 在一个社会因党派意识形态而日益分裂的时代, we foster an environment in which the hard conversations essential to a true education occur, 挑战我们社区的成员超越他们的智力舒适区. 我们的全球人文中心, 乔治和芭芭拉布什杰出讲座系列, 及校长论坛, 在许多其他事件中, 提供场所,让各种各样的想法可以通过强大的力量茁壮成长, 民间话语.

正规澳门赌场网络体现了现代、有远见、综合性大学的特点. We continue to build on our strong legacy and prestigious array of programs in the health 科学. 同时, we remain cognizant that creating a healthier planet requires more than talented health professionals. 它需要来自各个学科的领导者——包括自然科学和社会科学, 人文艺术, 业务, and more — to bring their diverse and complementary skills to bear on the most pressing challenges facing our world. With the planned move of our College of 整骨疗法的医学 to the UNE Portland Campus for the 健康 科学s, we have an unprecedented opportunity to create a one-of-its-kind interprofessional health 科学 campus there while creating a new vision for our Biddeford Campus grounded in the liberal arts, 科学, 商业纪律.

当我们反思迄今为止的进展时, there’s a key thread that runs throughout each of the six priorities of our plan: providing transformational learning experiences to our students. In one way or another, directly or indirectly, everything we do touches on this overarching theme. It will be imperative that we keep our eye on this North Star as we turn our attention to the next steps in our strategic work.


  • Expand active and collaborative teaching and learning through pedagogical innovation and enhanced technologies;
  • 加强对体验式学习的承诺;
  • 为学生创造更多的机会, 教师, and professional staff to work together across academic disciplines and professional programs; and
  • Adapt and scale up the solutions we find to challenges facing local 社区 in order to address similar challenges around the globe.

我们对健康的广泛看法要求我们关注个人之间的相互作用, 社区, 还有环境. 此外, it demands that we look for solutions to our world’s pressing challenges by drawing knowledge and 专业知识 from many academic disciplines. This means exposing students not only to deep discipline-based knowledge but also to cross-disciplinary connections. We will inculcate in our students habits of mind such as curiosity and a drive for lifelong learning, 以及专业能力,如高效的团队合作和沟通技巧. 用这些知识和技能武装起来, UNE students will be ready to bring the fullest breadth of understanding and 专业知识 to bear on improving the well-being of people, 社会, 我们的星球.

受到这一愿景的鼓舞和这一计划的指导, UNE will empower students to anticipate and meet the challenges of this new world and to become active leaders in creating its future.

UNE -为了我们世界的健康.
